We all deserve a life full of pleasure and deep connection to ourselves.

But we don’t all know how to access it.

There is ancient wisdom, soul truth, and divine power stored in our yonis that is available for us to access, not to mention ecstatic bliss and physical joy.

When we develop a harmonious and connected relationship with our yonis, we become truly empowered, which is where our signature approach, Sacred Feminine Touch comes in.

Enrollment is open!

Join us October 25th – 27th, Austin, TX

Inside The Sacred Feminine Women’s Retreat you will:

(October 25th – 27th, Austin, TX)

Let’s share laughter and tears, journeying into blissful states of consciousness as we collectively heal our deepest wounds. Together, we embrace healing and pleasure on every level imaginable.

“This experience was for me the first time that I was connected to my own body”

Why Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony?

Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony brings together ancient tantric tools, spiritual practices, yoga therapy, and mindfulness-based strategies in order to safely guide women through powerful sexual and personal transformation.
Suriya and Rina relied on their combined 20 years of experience to merge these methodologies into a transformative technique for personal growth, sexual healing, and spiritual awakening.

Do you want to help women safely unlock their deepest pleasure?

….while sustaining yourself financially doing work that speaks to your love for feminine healing?

We’re delighted you’ve found our one-of-a-kind, in-depth hybrid course and live event certification toward becoming a certified Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony Practitioner.

The Yoni Massage field is rapidly expanding and greatly in need of well-qualified, skillful and passionate experts who can use their own hands for healing (rather than further harm), which is why we developed this certification program.

This experience offers hands-on instruction in the application of a client-centered approach in order to empower, inform, and support women in Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony.

We created this course just for you!

What You Will Learn

You will increase your understanding of your physical as well as your mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual health.
You will learn all you need to know to become a certified (and confident) Practitioner of Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony.
You will master a variety of integrated approaches that will enable you to perform the technique proficiently while receiving continual support and mentorship from Rina and Suriya throughout the course.

Yoni massage is profound in that it touches us in different ways physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Why Sacred Feminine Touch is a key transformative, ecstatic, healing skill you need

Through research, we have come to understand that our bodies store trauma, particularly in the yoni.

When we acknowledge and let go of these intense sensations we can release the memories stored in our bodies, and to experience more bliss in our lives.

Sacred Feminine Touch is a contemporary healing modality for women based on ancient tantric practice.

Its benefits include:

Our brand is Suhai, from Japanese, meaning

Worship, adoration, devotion, and divine service

…which embodies all of our hopes for all women who wish to become certified practitioners of Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony

Yoni massage is profound in that it touches us in different ways physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Investment: $4,999

if paid in full, or 3 payments of $1,799 monthly.

Disclaimer: we encourage you to practice this only where it is legal. We reserve the right to certify or not certify.

In our Practitioner Training, you will learn the step-by-step process of how to give a sacred yoni massage, with detailed demonstrations of each technique, and all the preparatory steps to allow this massage to be deeply healing and transformative on many levels, including how to:

The Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony Certification Program is a hybrid program – held online and in person

The Program’s 5 Pillars


Setting the Container from a Trauma-Informed Lens.

Consent, Boundaries & Healing Code of Conduct.

Female Anatomy of Arousal.

Chakra System.

Sexuality as a Bridge to Our Subconscious.

Intention of a Journey.

Sacred Feminine Touch

Body Work

Different Forms of Orgasm.

Internal and External Stress Releasing Acupressure Points.

Full Sacred Body Massage to Activate Chakra Centers.

Genital Pelvic Floor Massage.

Deep Body Listening.

Nervous System Exploration.

Expansion of Energy/Holding Space.


Sacred Ingredient.



Tantric Archetypes.

Rituals & Symbolism.

Shamanic Ascent and Descent.

Therapist Client Dynamics

Attachment Dynamics.

Power of Humbleness.

Personal Development

Emotional Framework.

Jungian Shadow Work.

Trauma & Somatics.

Personal Practices.






Easy to Follow!

This online course is a fascinating and integrative learning process, supported by a potent combination of reading and videos, and coupled with various immersive meditations. An inspiring visual aesthetic creates a gentle environment for profound psychological revelations.

Certificate Requirements

MASTER EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE Using The Full Potential of Our True Feminine Power

Most women are unaware of the full potential and power of our yoni. A large part of female sexuality takes place hidden from view, leaving room for fear and speculation.

While we know the physical manifestations of our yoni, menstruating and giving birth, fully accessing the pleasure within the yoni has traditionally seemed to be only for a lucky few.

Well, not anymore.

On A Mission To Change Lives

This Certification Program is a complete holistic professional training designed for individuals and professionals who want to offer safe, trauma-informed bodywork sessions and sacred feminine touch sessions to their clients, including, but not limited to:











Who You Will Be Learning From

About Suriya

I believe everything we know, feel, and experience is connected.

I live a tantric lifestyle, which is an awareness of our higher purpose and finding connection in everything we do. It’s living in the present moment and dedicating every aspect of life – waking, movement, cleaning, love-making, even preparing lunch – for a greater sense of purpose and connectedness.

I wasn’t always this way. I grew up shy, always looking for someone else to guide me, someone to give my power away to, always searching for others to heal me and make my life better.

And it was painful. And lonely. And purposeless. I often asked, “What am I even doing here?”

And particularly in the area of intimacy with others, my sex life was not healthy or loving or juicy. I wanted it to be different.

But when I looked around me and asked for help, I couldn’t find it. I found many healing practices like meditation and yoga therapy. I studied every healing modality I could find including homeopathy, iridology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal medicine, Shiatsu, process-oriented psychology, and reflexology.

And all of those are wonderful and have their place. They provide healing and lifestyle practices that can create a healthier body and mind. But there was still something missing. A question I didn’t even know quite how to ask to get this answer I was longing for.

And then I found yoni massage.

This sacred work changed everything for me. It was so transformative that I quickly became a practitioner so I could work with women from all over the world. Thousands of women’s lives have been changed through this type of healing massage.

It unlocks stored trauma and emotions. It teaches us about our own bodies (areas we didn’t even know we had!), our own needs, our own sense of joy, bliss, pleasure. It even helps us learn to communicate with our partners around our needs and desires. There is so much we are never taught about ourselves that we NEED to know in order to find that missing piece.

And that’s why I am bringing this opportunity to you. I want you to be an effective healer in this extremely transformational work. To learn, practice, grow, and receive the credibility you need through certification.

Let’s change lives together!


  • Diploma in studies in natural and traditional healing including
  • Classical Homeopathy, Phyto-therapy, Process-oriented Psychology, Iridology, Shiatsu and
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Yoga Teacher
  • Tantra Teacher
  • Certified Yoga Therapist in the Art of Dying, Tibetan Yoga, Metaphysics, Yoga and Psychotherapy as well as Kashmiri Shaivism
  • Over 10 years of practicing Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony
  • Certified in Female Reproductive Massage
  • Over 10 years of extensive mediation and spiritual tantric practices in Asia
  • Author of the book “Blossoming Into Bliss – A woman’s Healing and Sexual Awakening”
  • Featured in Live Tantra Community and The Brightacademy

About Rina

I believe in creating safe spaces for people to fall apart.

It is in the falling apart, the messiness, that you find your way to healing and wholeness. I know this because I’ve lived it and watched this transformation in countless humans I’ve worked with.

But it wasn’t always this way for me. I grew up in post-Soviet Russia where secrets and silence founded my childhood. I felt completely out of place, a misfit. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t conform to my family culture. And my body let me know it. I felt sick, depressed, and completely alone.

I wasn’t going to live that way, so I jumped. I knew I needed an entirely different kind of existence so just like the movie, The Matrix, I became a ‘Matrix Jumper’.

My first ‘matrix’ after leaving Russia was in the American Dream. I lived in DC, got my MBA, and worked my way into a corporate finance job. But after a while, my body let me know it was time for change again when I would fall asleep in the middle of the day and cry all night.

I knew there were options. I could numb myself into accepting this was my life, like my alcoholic father and countless others, or I could jump again. I jumped.

This time, I went for the unknown. I traveled throughout the US, went to Thailand, and learned about alternative ways of healing. Meeting Suriya and receiving Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony (yoni massage) changed everything. I was liberated from shame, guilt, and trauma while experiencing the spiritual and orgasmic potential of this sublime type of pleasure.

I connected to myself. I found true freedom like I never knew existed. I wanted to share it with the world!

And now I do. After many years as a professional dominatrix in NYC and also learning the sacred art of Shibari, I am now fully myself and immersed in coaching others to transformation and healing through various modalities of vulnerability.

Though my body loudly led the way for me, we can all find our way to healing, wellness, and bliss. And that’s why I’m so passionate about training others in this beautiful touch therapy. I want everyone to have the experience and ability to change their own life and others.

Help us change the world through this sacred art!


Tantric bodyworker, rigger, author, tantric BDSM coach, world traveler, skydiver, BASE jumper, freediver, student of ancient traditions and intrepid explorer of consciousness.

  • 5 years of practicing Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony
  • Certified in Female Reproductive Massage
  • 10 years of extensive meditation &
    tantric spiritual practices in Asia
  • 4 years of practicing Shibari as an art of healing
  • NLP / Hypnotherapy / QTT / Life Coaching
  • Certified in Trauma and Somatics
  • Certified Death doula and Life-Cycle Celebrant
  • MBA graduate

Profound Healing and Transformation from Yoni Massage

Veronica, Dallas, TX, 45

“It’s deeply sacred, emotional, [and] intentional..“

Veronica Miriam

“I’ve found myself back at home in the arms of the goddess…“

Jamie Archibald, Idaho

“Rina & Suriya have my complete trust and so grateful for what they are bringing to this world”

Cat Kent, 26 Austin, TX

“My body has physically changed and aligned.”

“… It’s hard for me to find the words to describe how much my body has physically changed and aligned since working with Rina. My brain, my body, my spirit felt so good going into it, which for me is a big deal because I am only able to be vulnerable when I feel safe like that.

I seriously cannot stop singing the praises of the work that we’ve done, because I’ve been on a journey for a while, …”

Alison Charles, Austin, TX, 40

Forever Changed

” So many visions were revealed, unlocking trapped emotions, … and memories surfaced that had long been forgotten.

“Forever Changed.” Evidence of that showed the next morning … EVERYTHING looked different. The filter of anger has been removed.”

Erin Keller

I’ve been having trouble putting into words what the Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony training, and in person experience means to me. It was so amazingly transformational. It’s hard to describe the awareness of yourself that can come from this work both in terms of healing and increasing pleasure. Suriya and Rina are truly gifted teachers in this space. It is an honor to be able to learn from them. I am so grateful they are so passionate about sharing their knowledge.
Whether you choose to provide this for other women or solely for yourself, I can’t encourage you enough to take the step and to trust – It will be beautiful.

Natalie Walker

Suri and Rina create a beautiful, safe container, rooted in an ancient and sacred sisterhood. The transmission that we were offered from these two beautiful souls called us each forth into our own truths and united us in a rite of the Divine Feminine. What we experienced could be called nothing less than an Invocation, a call to a deeper understanding of ourselves as women, of our capacity for healing ourselves and each other. Rina and Suri offer a potent transmission, one that walks participants through the process of the Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony in complete detail, from creating a sacred container with your client by sharing a consecration, to the specific techniques and sequencing of therapeutic and sensual touch that define the modality of yoni mapping. However, the teachings that Suri and Rina share transcend the material and logistical considerations of practicing yoni massage. The Sacred Feminine Touch Ceremony certification course contains within an invitation into states of altered consciousness where ego dissolves and only truth and love exist, where healing happens on an accelerated timeline and bonds are forged in the solidarity of sisterhood. After listening to each participants’ testimony in our final ceremony, not a single woman left this experience unchanged. Many layers of the cabbage/onion were peeled back, to reveal hearts more ready to love, and souls more open to heal.

Asia Rodrigues-Testimonial

Asia Rodrigues

For me a takeaway was FEEling how sacred the union is to be entered and to enter a yoni, knowledge is only a rumor until the body knows, and I have begin to understand I am a portal. The veil is thin between groups of women because we know how to dip between dimensions. One foot in the ethereal one foot in the physical we are the bridge to unconditional love
Women are the bridge to life and death.

What I took away was a profound sense of purpose. Divine will, acceptance and freedom. I may not have experienced orgasmic bliss but the release I had from that pain in my yoni. I have MUCH LESS anxiety even when I just did a 15hr flight. Usually 2 hr flights rile me up but since the retreat I’ve been CALM.

I was able to create an unshakable safety inside my body and it feels like home. I’ve been gone for toooooioo long.


Tyler, 32, UK

“Benefit from an enhanced physical, spiritual, and emotional relationship”

As a woman who experiences a lot of pain during sex, I was apprehensive, feeling that this type of physical therapy could never work for me. It was quite the opposite – … letting them [Trauma] go on physical and emotional levels.

… empowering us as a couple to continue to do this work together and ultimately benefit from an enhanced physical, spiritual, and emotional relationship.

Suriya’s kind and embracing presence will bring you the safety and support you need to openly approach your most intimate parts (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). ​


Persis, 38, India

Experience female ejaculation for the first time

“My husband and I have been married for 12 years now… He has learned to hold the space beautifully for me and help me release my trauma through massaging my yoni and different pressure points on my body.
It is such a wonderful feeling to receive such a mindful touch from him. My body reacted so differently. I felt like both of us were discovering my body for the first time. My layers of resistance fell off one by one and I found myself flowing with the energies that came to life within me. I finally understood what it means to let go and experience female ejaculation for the first time. …”


Cindy, 31, Switzerland

“This experience was for me the first time that I was connected to my own body.”

“I was raped at the age of 15 when I was a virgin.
Afterward, I had many boyfriends. The pattern was always the same. I was attracted at the beginning and I could appreciate intercourse even if I never had an orgasm in my life. ..To keep the relationships “alive”, I would force myself to have sex. I wouldn’t say that it was like another rape because I had love feelings for those guys, but it was traumatic because my yoni and my mind were disconnected.
I was carrying 15 years of traumatic sexuality with me.
My experience with Suriya was mind-blowing.
This experience was for me the first time that I was connected to my own body. I started to understand what pleasure could mean. And I am talking about pure pleasure, free of judgment, passionate games, or seduction.”

Frequently Asked Questions

A somatic sex educator works within the boundaries of a professional Code of Ethics and Conduct and their work is insured. As the name suggests this work is focused on education, learning and growth rather than simply having a pleasurable experience.

There are 5 main pillars that make this work unique:
1. Every session is centered around a spiritual/healing/educational objective.
2. Practitioners remain clothed at all times.
3. Practitioners commit to not entering into any romantic or sexual relationship with their clients within 12 months of the last time they worked with a client.

Sometimes one chooses to take a risk because one senses that the reward might be worth it, just like Alice jumping into the rabbit hole. Also, our course is created in such a way as to provide you with the ‘alchemical’ tools that will help you transform the parts of you that you don’t like into virtues!

Yes. We understand how important it is for everyone – especially individuals with disabilities – to be empowered to experience their full sexual expression, in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Clients will be provided with the space to be able to explore and express their sexual self in ways that are safe and pleasurable. I can work in conjunction with a medical doctor or therapist, and a carer may be present during sessions, if needed or desired. Please get in contact to discuss specific needs and what is possible.

Any person over the legal age of consent is welcome to use our services. Non-contact educational work may be available for those under the legal age of consent with the consent of a parent legal guardian, and/or as advised by a medical doctor. People are sensual, sexual beings and need loving presence, touch, someone to talk to and share with throughout their entire lives.

No. While there are many who have deep healing to do, many others don’t identify as having any ‘issues’, but simply wish to enhance themselves, to go deeper with themselves. Sometimes a client wishes to learn and explore new things, new forms of expression and being that they might be afraid, ashamed, or unwilling to with their current partner(s), and unable to by themselves.

For now, we’ve decided to keep this practice for women only (people with vaginas, women healing women) in order to facilitate a safe container, sisterhood. We understand that men can be powerful bodyworkers and healers too, but for now we want to keep this practice strictly for women only.

No refunds will be provided for any reason.

ready to unlock your client’s pleasure and intuitive feminine power?

join us in this round of our sacred feminine touch program!

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